Azzev voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Wondering, how can you create an effective content marketing strategy and get the enormous online audience to connect with your content? Here are some words of wisdom for creating, launching and succeeding with this endeavor: Read More
The executive summary is one of the most critical sections of a business plan — this is where you either hook your investor, or let them slip away. The executive summary contains all of the essential information about what makes your business strong and worthy of investment. Read More
When running a business, you have so many different lessons to learn. And there are many different places where you can learn those lessons. There are past experiences, business mentors, bloggers, and more. And members of our small business community offered some of their own lessons and tips in th Read More

5 Signs You Need to Start Tracking Marketing ROI

Avatar Posted by TaylorBPT under Marketing
From 3451 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on April 15, 2015 8:48 am
The good news is that your marketing is likely making an impact. But you might not be measuring it as you should. Here are five signs you might just need a system to track your marketing ROI so you can make sure you’re getting the most out of your investment. Read More
Generation X and Y, with their own professional attitudes and skill sets, have defined the modern workplace So, how do they compare against the next generation? Read More
Success stories bring life to the energy of a person. Interview with Bellaisa from : Journey of a Professional Blogger - eAskme Read More
To help you get the most out of this micro-blogging platform, the folks at Volusion have put together a few tips for improving your audience engagement and making your tweets more searchable. Read More
Many creatives, artists, and entrepreneurs have adopted morning routines to help prepare them for their daily work.
In this post we hear from 14 entrepreneurs and creatives we admire about their routines and the benefits. Read More
Today I am honored to have FOUR very special people here - 4 Experts in their own online niche markets.

I’ve asked each of them to share their invaluable experience regarding their choice of Email Marketing service provider. Read More
As you well know, comments are a very important part of any blog.

You could have killer content, but without comments, it can leave a little to be desired.

But one thing that’s been banging around in my brain is…

Which comment management system is best?

I thought I’d pick the minds of s Read More

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