BOnline voted on the following stories on BizSugar

With every website doing its best to stand out in its industry, a bit of colour can go a long way to creating an eye-catching site. Bold colours can work well if they match a company’s branding, but some websites take one particularly bold colour and run with it – and the results are often less tha Read More
Not every website can reach the top of search engine results for their chosen keywords, but there are certain simple search engine optimisation (SEO) measures every website owner should take in order to give themselves the best chance. Find out how to avoid committing SEO suicide. Read More
We often talk about how it is vital for every small business to have their own website, but it’s also important to spread your brand across the web so it can be seen more easily. Here are four simple tips to help get you started with link building. Read More

Why your website needs clear calls to action

Avatar Posted by bOnline under Online Marketing
From 3983 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on September 4, 2013 9:36 am
Your website should serve a purpose, whether it’s as a source of information or a way to drive customers to buy online or get in touch with your business. The purpose of your site may seem obvious, but it’s important to take a step back and look at it from the visitor’s point of view. Find out why Read More

Are mumpreneurs the future of the small business landscape?

Avatar Posted by bOnline under Startups
From 3983 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on September 4, 2013 5:31 pm
In today’s economic climate, many new parents are facing a tough decision when it comes to balancing their career with childcare. With many dealing with more budget constraints than ever, it’s becoming less realistic for new parents to give up work to look after their children. Find out how a new t Read More
As we’ve said before, simplicity is key when it comes to creating a good website. So while mystery buttons may sound intriguing, the novelty quickly wears off for a customer when they are trying to actually use your website. Take a look at these examples to see what we mean. Read More
When it comes to attracting customers online, it’s vital your small business website looks professional. Design is a key aspect, but there’s nothing that can damage your reputation more than sloppy spelling or grammar on a business website. Check out these examples. Read More
How did one startup with no solida product or customers raise $38m in funding - was it all down to hype and will it live up to expectations? Read More

Small business website mistakes: Overloaded homepages

Avatar Posted by bOnline under Online Marketing
From 4006 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on August 13, 2013 11:06 am
Is your website's homepage too long? See how it measures up to our examples and find out how this could damage your business. Read More

Fake customer reviews - are they worth the risk?

Avatar Posted by bOnline under Customer Service
From 4006 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on August 14, 2013 3:15 am
We all know that positive customer testimonials can serve as a great selling tool, but what about fake reviews? Discover the damage fake reviews could do to your company. Read More

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