Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Use of Sales Enablement in Trade

Avatar Posted by Skura under Technology
From 3917 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on January 12, 2014 4:57 pm
It is sad to note that 40% of all sales materials remain untouched by sales representatives. As a result, staggering yearly budgets allotted for resource development go to waste. Proper sales enablement techniques can help you recoup those losses. Enablement of sales has opened a new avenue which e Read More

Mobile Sales Enablement: Effectively Engage Customers in Real-Time

Avatar Posted by Skura under Technology
From 3917 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on January 12, 2014 4:58 pm
Outperform your competition by transforming your sales strategy and systems to effectively engage your customers. Read More
Choosing the right content management system can be quite tricky. Unless you have specifically defined set of goals and requirements, you can be lured by fancy functionalities that you might never use. So, what are the things that you should consider for in a content management system? Read More
This is a follow up post to my biggest disappointments of 2013. Here are my 4 biggest achievements of 2013. Read More
Managing risk and maintaining organizational continuity before, during, and after natural disasters 25% of businesses do not reopen following a major disaster take a look on the infographic. Read More
As technology changes, so does web design trends. Smartphones and tablets are continuing to get more sophisticated and flat design also has to get more sophisticated with them. Read More
A CRM application can help your team create follow-up strategies for sales, manage and enhance your sales pipeline, and turn sales data into actionable insights. But did you ever think that it can also help you manage and improve the team itself? Read More

How To Turn Your Sales Data Into Actionable Insights

Avatar Posted by Laurna411 under Sales
From 3917 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on January 12, 2014 4:54 pm
As sales leaders and marketers we need to understand how to analyze data in order to make good decisions for our businesses. Otherwise, we’re operating in the dark. Read More

How To Revive A Stale Deal In 3 Minutes Or Less

Avatar Posted by Laurna411 under Sales
From 3917 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on January 13, 2014 1:59 pm
When a deal stalls out, whether it’s because the customer is busy or because there is a delay in follow-up, you’ll need a strategy to be able to implement manageable, actionable tasks that will get this deal back on track and bring you closer to closing. Once you have this data, you can make the c Read More
In order for organizations (or individuals) to be successful in the long run, they must be able to manage a myriad of dynamic tensions that exist. Read More

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