Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As a small business owner, venturing into the world of social media can feel a little like wading into freezing cold water -- uncomfortable and possibly a bit dangerous. We offer simple tips to make the process a bit less frightening. Read More
WordPress themes that are free usually tend to lack in the quality department. Here are 10 that are as good as the paid themes and maybe even exceed them in certain areas. Read More
Working capital enables your business to operate. Find out how much you have available by correctly calculating your current assets and liabilities. Read More
Using a recruiter to find the best employees for your business is supposed to make the hiring process easier, but how do you find the right recruiting firm in the first place? Read More
In this article, we’re going out outline 31 of the most commonly used buzzwords that you’re most likely to hear and see online, what they mean and give you some examples of what they look like when used in proper context. So here they are – in no particular order. Read More

Transform Your Interns from Average to Awesome

Avatar Posted by dhennessy under Human Resources
From 3995 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on October 22, 2013 11:10 pm
Sometimes your intern hires don't always turn out to be as experienced as they presented themselves to be. Check out some ways employers can effectively manage their interns to transform them into more productive and talented team members. Read More
Today on expert chat, our guest is Rand Fishkin of He is an expert when it comes to Search Engine Optimization and we will be having a chat on How to Do SEO with him. Read More
Please understand this is not an article intended to boast by any means. The intent of this article is to inspire all those entrepreneurs who ever thought “Why can’t I do something like that?”
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Want to reach customers based on location, age, interests and other demographics? Then Facebook’s advertising service may be just the right fit. Read More
Tom Martin, author of The Invisible Sale, lays it out for B2B sales reps with some great advice on how to close more leads. Read More

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