Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Do you track your website metrics on Google Analytics? This blog post explains some important stats you should be looking at to see how people came to your website. Read More

6 Keys to Writing for Your Small Business Blog

Avatar Posted by mmangen under Marketing
From 4071 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on August 5, 2013 11:44 pm
Sure, blogging for your business is hard--but it's powerful, too. This 6-step checklist will help you deliver effective, optimized content to your audience. Read More
“They” being authors Jeff Fromm and Christie Garton. The hook for me? Stats. The Marketing to Millennials intro isn’t the standard, “why we wrote this book and there’s how it’s laid out” bit—instead, it highlights the research that was the catalyst for the book Read More
If you’re a WordPress user and it’s been awhile since you checked your website’s speed, consider adding the GTmetrix plugin to your WordPress toolbox. Read More

Salesforce Review – CRM Tools for Small Businesses

Avatar Posted by GetApp under Technology
From 4071 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on August 6, 2013 8:35 am
Salesforce serves as a backbone for its clients, and empowers small business owners to run their businesses faster and smarter. Every detail about every client is accessible from any computer with Internet access, including mobile devices. Read More
While marketers have long promoted the benefits of using LinkedIn to promote brands, it's been difficult for them to track their pages' performance. This problem comes to an end today, as LinkedIn adds company page analytics to its suite of business services. This update goes above and beyond the i Read More

When Great Employees Are Mismatch On Values

Avatar Posted by sundaydriver under Management
From 4071 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on August 6, 2013 12:18 pm
My wife and I were looking to buy a car. We buy a car about every 6 or 7 years and always start the process by looking at all the new car models, and brands, and innovations. When you don’t buy cars too often, you need to first get caught up on all the new things out there. Who knew someone inven Read More
Goal setting is good. But there are indeed some caveats as with any technique.In this post I'm going to help you identify those caveats so that you are not cheated by them. Read More

How to Identify and Engage Local Influencers

Avatar Posted by OpenSourceMedia under Management
From 4071 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on August 6, 2013 8:03 am
nfluencer marketing is typically a public relations tactic employed and executed by agencies with big budgets on behalf of their clients. However, as small businesses seek out cost-effective ways to reach a new audience, engaging online local influencers is a tactic worth considering. Read More
After entrepreneur Ilya Pozin suggested a list of the "9 things that motivate employees more than money" on Time's small business website, dozens of commenters debated whether or not cash was still king. Some readers worried whether Generation Y's focus on life experiences had dethroned the regular Read More

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