Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Everyone knows the story of how robots replaced humans on the factory floor. But in the broader sweep of automation versus labor, a trend with far greater significance for the middle class—in rich countries, at any rate—has been relatively overlooked: the replacement of knowledge workers with softw Read More
Don't have a business communication plan? This post and SlideShare presentation provides you with a framework for your business communication plan and a review of that plan. Read More
If your Affiliate site, Ecommerce site or Blog got hit by Google's Penguin and Panda updates, here are a few easy tips on what to look at and how to pull yourself out from the hit and get your rankings back. Please feel free to leave your own tips in the comments section. Read More
cometdocs was recently brought to my attention as a free document management system which enables you to convert, transfer, host and store your documents online. Read More
After months of testing, Facebook has unveiled ranked comments and replies. Here's how to get them--and how to use them. Read More
What makes DemandCon unique among the B2B marketing conferences this spring? Why do repeat attendees say they keep coming back? Read More
In this business of social media marketing, it is easy to become too caught up with social media that it begins to affect your internal marketing strategies. A danger of intensive social media marketing is that it may make you forget the actual, live and physical form of marketing, which is just as Read More
Brainstorming effectively is one of the most wanted aspects in various jobs that involve mental input. Brainstorming is also crucial for effective thinking in general. Read More
Yahoo bought summly for $30 mills making the British entrepreneur Nick D’Aloisio probably the youngest millionaire. He’s 17 and already banked all this money... now, this is just cool... Read More

6 More Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Blog

Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Online Marketing
From 4194 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on March 30, 2013 9:49 pm
You already have a well-designed website for your business. And you’ve stuffed its pages with great content that you believe will engage visitors and convince them to do business with you, right?

My friend, let me tell you a bitter truth: all that won’t work. Not anymore. To convert visitors to Read More

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