Clickfire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

After so many questions from users of the CommentLuv plugin on the best way to get people to their site I decided to create a video course that explains exactly what method you can use to get people to notice you on the internet. It’s free and it actually works. I know of many gurus who have entire Read More
Flickr is a fantastic resource for finding free images for commercial use. Find out how to access these images & what to bear in mind. Read More
These top 36 nursing blogs will help aspiring nurses and veteran nurses alike to not only keep their resumes up-to-date by being informed about the current trends in the industry, but it will also help to build a sense of community online.
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Take some time to think about what you would like to see in guest post submissions, and then formulate guidelines that can be shared with site visitors. You'll have fewer headaches, and see higher quality submissions. Read More
Before you decided that it is not possible for you to offer a 401(k) plan to your employees, consider that you might be falling prey to some misconceptions. Here are four common misconceptions. Read More
When it comes to social media, we as marketers think only of the Big 3—Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn (you could probably count Google+ as a half-sibling, but I’ll get to that). But there are others that could boost traffic to your website and have considerably charming personalities as well. Read More
Many are aware of the multitude of benefits that go along with telecommuting. However, still 40% of the workforce who could telecommute, aren't doing it yet. This article makes 8 cases for why your employees should have the option to work remotely. Read More

Any.DO Launches A Social To Do List App With $1 Million In Funding

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Management
From 4707 days ago
Made Hot by: crozon on November 11, 2011 5:26 am
Like any to do list, Any.DO supports the basics, like adding tasks, marking them complete, setting priorities, etc. But it does a number of other things which make it stand out from the crowd. For example, you can create tasks using voice input, it syncs with Google tasks, and you can use gestures Read More
I’ve seen it happen time and time again with SEO consulting clients. They recently moved their site to a new domain and can’t figure out why their traffic dropped from 10,000 unique visitors to 500. Everything looks good, all the pages are indexed properly, and so what gives? You know what the most Read More
The first step of any SEO campaign should focus on website optimization. This is the process of making your website as appealing as possible to both the search engines and your visitors. A properly optimized website will eventually rank better in the SERPs and attract more targeted visitors.
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