Clickfire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Guest post by Hal Licino It may be fashionable in some corners of the blogosphere to dismiss email marketing as a fossilized Jurassic remnant from the... Read More
Effective commenting is an art and when done correctly, it can raise your profile, establish your credibility, drive more traffic to your site and gain you new readers. Read More
Standard advertising rates aren’t often talked about because the standard isn’t so standard. A media group, for example, that buys spots or places ads for several clients can buy spots in bulk and negotiate for a lower rate or get more “freebies” or “values”. In effect, a brand can get more exposur Read More
Great graphic display of the process a business goes through for product development, in this case for an app. Read More
The wall-poster was a cultural and marketing icon of the 70s and 80s...

...and this was THE ONE to own! Read More

5 Tips To Get More Email Subscribers

Avatar Posted by mirsbblogger under Online Marketing
From 4952 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on March 12, 2011 7:42 am
No matter what industry you’re in, you can always benefit from more email subscribers. Email is still the most cost effective method of updating consumers about your brand, its goings-on, and special promotions. According to the Direct Marketing Association Power of Direct Economic-impact study, co Read More
Building an email list may be a numbers game, but it should never be all about numbers. The names on the other end of the list are important. The most successful email lists are those with interested buyers or qualified buyers. Read More

Time: How To S-T-R-E-T-C-H Your Day

Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 4952 days ago
Made Hot by: jkennedy on March 10, 2011 7:29 am
Do you have enough time? Does any sales rep have enough time to get it all done? And how about our customers? How many of them have enough time? How often are they just too darn busy to meet with us? Maybe even more significant, how about the whole network of decision influencers within each o Read More
It's not too difficult to be so inundated with info. that you get information overload or conflicting advice. That leads to decision paralysis. You don't know the right course of action to take, or you can wind up using good information to make bad judgment calls. Read More
How do you get and keep customers?  The most important question in business and one that companies spend billions of dollars trying to figure out.  I am going to put forth a strategy that works and has worked for centuries: Pay close attention to details. Read More

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