Clickfire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Daniel Sundin, Community Manager at PETCO, discusses the way his company uses social media to boost its brand. It's true that lots of small businesses use tools like Twitter and Facebook too, but what can we learn in our strategies by taking a look at the big guys and how they market their brands o Read More

Do You Need a Little BizSugar?

Avatar Posted by ementormarketing under Social Media
From 4964 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business News on March 7, 2011 5:54 am
Do You Need a Little BizSugar? If you’re looking for another online avenue for B2B lead generation, look at BizSugar. BizSugar is a social networking and content sharing site where you can share small business news, tips, blog posts and information.
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A review of a book about how you can use online community to better you business. Find out what it takes to grow your online community. Read More
What will happen with the .ly domains in the future? This is a time to reflect on where you have your online business and potential consequences of the location due to world politics. Read More
Customer Testimonials: Make it super easy for your customer to help you. Here’s a simple and effective way to solicit and secure great testimonials. Read More
Every startup lucky enough to get some traction gets to the point where they decide to hire some “regular employees” for sales, marketing, and administrative tasks. Then they are surprised to see productivity and creativity take a big dip. What they should be doing is hiring only “entrepreneurs,” m Read More
Are you looking to reach educated, affluent customers with money to spend? Then consider advertising with newspapers (in print or online).
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Foursquare has enabled a small Coffee Shop, Coffee Klatch, to obtain, engage, & retain customers. Foursquare has allowed Coffee Klatch to create unique customer experiences. Read More

The Use And Misuse Of Stock Photography In Websites

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From 4965 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on February 25, 2011 12:17 am
If you are going to put a photo of two business people shaking hands up on your website then why not take a photo of YOU shaking the hand of one of your current customers and put this up on your website... Read More

Stop Drifting

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 4966 days ago
There are lots of currents in the sales game, any of which can sweep you away if you let them. Without personal goals and strong action, you drift. Read More

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