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10 Tips on How to Successfully Import Goods

10 Tips on How to Successfully Import Goods - Avatar Posted by OstrichCanada under Management
From 4052 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on June 1, 2013 10:18 am
Thinking about importing goods to sell commercially? Not sure how to go about doing so?

In this post, we’re going to offer up eight tips on how to successfully import goods. Read More
William Shakespeare's parents loved him more than his brother Juan, because Juan was annoying when he promoted his blog posts. Don't be like Juan. Read More

Train Yourself To Be An Optimist (Yes, You Can!)

Train Yourself To Be An Optimist (Yes, You Can!) - Avatar Posted by Debra Kaye under Self-Development
From 4052 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on June 1, 2013 9:24 am
Are you in a rut of thinking yourself as a failure? I use the word rut on purpose, because feeling like a failure – and behaving like one – is a habit you can change. You can flip it around and teach Read More
One of the most common failures I see in startups is lack of focus. Unfocused entrepreneurs boast that their new technology will generate multiple disruptive products for consumers as well as enterprises around the world. Investors hear this as trying to do too many things with limited resources, m Read More
While you’re probably worried about the future and are constantly trying to make your business a more customer-friendly environment, there are a couple of things you need to know about mobile devices. Smartphones and tablets have been penetrating the workplace for a while already. They’ve made cond Read More

DIY Small Business Marketing Materials

DIY Small Business Marketing Materials - Avatar Posted by OpenSourceMedia under Management
From 4052 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on May 29, 2013 8:45 pm
It might seem as though the world has moved entirely online, but face-to-face interactions still involve exchanging business cards. Posting a letter still requires a letterhead and small business marketing still requires flyers and other printed collateral. In short, creating effective promotional Read More

Working After Retirement: Should Grandpa Buy A Franchise?

Working After Retirement: Should Grandpa Buy A Franchise? - Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Franchises
From 4052 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on May 29, 2013 8:57 pm
Buying into a proven business concept (which is what franchising offers) could be the way to go for those that have found themselves out of a job and close to retirement age. Read More
How does a singer on The Voice persuade Adam Levine, Shakira, Usher, or Blake Shelton to push the red button, spin their chair around and declare, “I Want You!”? Read More
Are you struggling with time management? Do you have lots of goals and dreams, but seemingly not enough time each day to conquer it all?

There’s hope for you. Read More
Every type and size of small business can benefit by training their employees. This article explains how to develop effective training program and various options. Read More

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