DEvangelize voted on the following stories on BizSugar

With the rising costs in selling products online, it might be difficult to keep afloat in doing online business. Here are some strategies that could help anyone to keep margins at bay. Read More
Female CEOs in large companies are on the rise. Those with little to no education and those without a wealthy background seem to have easily jumped the gap from being unable to afford groceries to making millions in a single year. But, how do the rich become that way? How did they get to the top, a Read More
How do you organize your business?
Still using file cabinets overflowing with old documents you’ll most likely never read again? I was introduced to Evernote a few years ago by a friend and fell in love with it. Read More

5 Practical Tips on Reducing Startup Failure Risks

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Startups
From 4113 days ago
Made Hot by: MasterMinuteman on April 23, 2013 8:16 pm
Starting up a business is both exciting and challenging. This blog post will give you 5 practical tips on how to reduce your startup failure risks. Read More
Did you know that 97% of desktop computer users are using online search tools like Google, Yahoo and Bing to find the products and services they need…locally? Read More
Entrepreneurship is a catalyst for economic growth. It is the duty of any government with the heart of progress, to see that the wealth is evenly distributed to the rich and poor. For any country who wants to make a huge difference in the world, capitalism becomes a must. This is so that every citi Read More
Businesses aspiring to utilise Instagram to its full potential should fully consider its capability for promotion. Read More
In the following post you’re going to get a crash course in boosting reader engagement on your blog through commenting, social shares, list building and more – these tips are actionable and will get you results if you use them correctly. Read More

Business Image is Perception

Avatar Posted by hishaman under Online Marketing
From 4114 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on April 23, 2013 3:48 pm
Your personal image is a combination of your grooming, your words and your actions.

What business image do you present to the marketplace? Read More

7 Reasons to Start a Blog Before Shipping a Product

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 4114 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on April 24, 2013 11:57 pm
With the an estimated 150,000 new websites and 7.3 million new pages added to the Internet every day, the biggest challenge for every entrepreneur is to get found, and get some credibility for a new startup. I can attest from experience that publishing a regular blog to properly showcase your offer Read More

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