Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Small business owners are known for being creative and personal with their customers and prospects; however, often they desire more traffic to their website and Read More
Owning an iPhone is a dream for most people nowadays. And why not… it’s equipped with smart apps and softwares that leaves mouths wide open in astonishment. To continue this legacy of the iPhone, we’ve searched for even more applications to make your iPhone your best friend, navigator and adviser. Read More
Most small businesses treat their websites like business cards. This is an egregious waste of potential. Instead of viewing a website as something you "have" to have, start using it to drive growth. Read More
Here are just a few simple tips to help you get started in owning and operating your own publishing company. Preparation: For the purposes of this article, we are going to assume that you have already written up a solid business plan. What? You haven't? Well, creating a business p Read More
You have been blogging for months or even years but you are still facing a stagnant in readership, subscribers and even income. Sometimes it all lies in your mindset. Whether you are a casual blogger or you are trying to build an auto-pilot online business depends on your blog approach. Are you abl Read More
Thanks to @ABusinessGuru for Tweeting this one, another post on whether SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is still a valid online marketing tool for business. If you're a small business owner already involved in online marketing, you no doubt already know the answer to this one. But with all the cla Read More
As you prepare to move into the summer, and as the first half of the year heads closer to an end, here are a 4 items that you can accomplish in May to help you keep your business on the right track. Read More
As if the current job market and economy didn't make it hard enough for low income households in America to make ends meet, it turns out that living below the poverty line is actually more costly in many respects as well. Read More
Once the hard work of web design and coding are done, using WordPress is a breeze. 5 Myths busted about wordpress. Read More
Saving money on office tools is a great way to free up some room on your business spending. The question is: what can you afford to leave out? Instead of stressing over whether your publishing department needs that new program or your marketing department needs that new software, start saving on th Read More

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