Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Do you sell products online? Perhaps you are a realtor with a bunch of homes that you want to showcase. Have you ever heard of Google Merchant Center or Google Base? They are 2 services that Google offers that allows business people to put their products online and accessible for sales. Read More
We continue this series with a finance expert, profits tamer and Numbers Whisperer — Founder of Small Business Finance Forum, Nicole Fende.

Our interview covers informative topics including the catalyst that launched Nicole from her word as a CFO and investment banker into the entrepreneurial fi Read More
Ever wished that you could take some measure to speed up your WordPress site? Have you created and deleted a lot of posts as well as experimented with plugins? All these deleted entries leave overhead on the database that should be routinely cleared out. Read More
Visa is making a strategic investment in Square, a mobile payments start. Square's card readers plug into the iPhone jack for swiping cards and have been criticized for lacking encryption security. Perhaps with Visa's involvement they will address this issue. In any case, one thing seem certain, Vi Read More
It’s a natural process that just seems to occur over time. When we’re young we’re filled with lots of different hopes and dreams. We know Read More
As the price of basic commodities including corn, soya beans, wheat, sugar, and precious metals continues to rise, as fuel continues to command well over $100 a barrel, as the U.S. Dollar weakens and inflation starts to rear is hoary head, small businesses are getting squeezed. Read More
With so many avenues available to people online to give their opinions on your business, looking after your online reputation is a must. When was the last time you Googled your own name or your business name? Read More
Penny auction, in essence, is an auction in which everyone registered can make a bid literally in pennies. Here is why the online business model is lucrative. Read More
Using social media doesn't mean innovation. The definition of innovation according to Peter Drucker is “...any change that creates an added dimension of performance”. Social media is a chance for us, marketers to step beyond the realm or our core duties and add some real innovation to the firm. Read More
Twitter is a great place for SMEs to market themselves and by following these tips you'll ensure your using it as effectively as possible. Read More

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