Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Businesses have always had to deal with complaints. However, the advent of YouTube, Facebook and other social media websites have made it possible for any... Read More
If you're at a loss for what to write about on your business blog, the answer may be closer than you think. Read More
We live in an era of Mobile Communication. In the recent few years there has been a gradual multiplication in the number of companies manufacturing mobile Read More
A mobile aggregator can help your business to move to the next level. This is a company that works as the middle man between companies like your own and end Read More
The first things that we tend to think about when optimizing a web page are the meta tags and the content on the page. While those are important aspects, we can’t forget about the URL. The search engine spiders and our website visitors look at those, too. When developing a website it’s important to Read More
The worlds of SEO and social media were rocked the other day when Bing announced they will incorporate Facebook data into their search results for the most personal social-search integration to hit the web. What does this mean for the user? If you search for something on Bing and are logged into yo Read More
This article presents several reasons why you would want to foster in-house innovation, as opposed to sourcing it from outside the organization. Read More
Wondering what a Canadian business should create videos about? Randy Chinn, FoglightSearch, walks through a complete strategy on how to come up with content for your videos. Read More
The ten commandments of social media - top tips on how to use social media for business, including twitter, facebook and blogging. Read More
Your calls are unanswered, voicemails unreturned. No response on email either. You need the information to move forward. What's next? Read More

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