Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Can’t help wondering why two UN Human Rights watchdogs and the Archbishop of Canterbury seem to believe the world would have been a better place if “Geronimo” had been captured alive? Read More
Being today’s most trusted source of influence measurement, Klout has recently stepped up its game with a number of major changes that are expected to help every individual better understand and leverage their scores. From a brighter color scheme to a more sophisticated algorithm, you’ll immediatel Read More
Article marketing field benefits a lot from the word “spinning”. Well they call it article spinning. According to Wikipedia, the following is the definition of article spinning Read More
Giving Your Site Purpose

For most business, the goal of their website should really be to collect sales leads first, and provide information second. I know this is contrary to usual thought, but it all works together. Don’t get me wrong, I am not devaluing the information on your website. In par Read More
If you are a Canadian small business owner with a Visa Business Card you can enter Visa’s Go Biz Elevator Pitch contest. By filling out an entry form on Visa’s site, you can compete for a $10,000 credit to your Visa Business Card. Read More
If you know someone that's buying a franchise, (or thinking about it) please send them this post! Thanks. It's one of the most important ones they'll ever read. (Really!) Read More
A Japanese company recently introduced beverage vending machines that claim to read customers' minds. The machines use cameras to estimate each customer’s age and gender, then recommend beverages accordingly. Fortunately, customers can override the suggestions and make their own product selections, Read More
If you are using the plugin W3 Total Cache on your Wordpress blog, you may realize that there is a great feature in its new version, Google Page Speed Report. Read More
Affiliate networks are not affiliate program management agencies. They are not hired to grow and manage your affiliate program. Simply put, they are platforms that provide merchants with such services as tracking, reporting, hosting of creatives and datafeeds, payments to affiliates, etc, but the v Read More
The Term SEO has become a new catch phrase amongst a number of business owners. When the term SEO is used its also seen as one of those things that only a true techie or geek could possibly understand. It’s seen as beyond the understanding of most business owners. My aim in this post is to demystif Read More

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