Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A study by Child's Play Communications found that 40% of moms bought something based off a Facebook recommendation. It's no secret that Facebook is worth its weight in PR gold, but it does require some nurturing. A neglected Facebook Fan Page shows the world that you don't care about your online re Read More
If you still think Foursquare is a game played on the blacktop at school, this article is for you. Here are 6 tips to give your venue the best chance at Foursquare success! Read More
“Nobody ever went wrong” is a useful exercise for solopreneurs and small-business owners to apply to their niches. Read More
Nearly 1.1 trillion display ad impressions were delivered to US Internet users in the first quarter of 2011; among them, Facebook accounted for 346 billion—31.2% of the total display market—nearly twice the level delivered one year earlier, according to data from comScore Ad Metrix. Read More
Ever wonder how much exposure your tweet messages are getting? Are people retweeting your tweets and spreading your links virally or are they just dea Read More
The Path of Persuasion vs. the Path of Innovation | Develop persuasive marketing strategies to approach your target audience, using the persuasive principles of commitment, feedback, credibility, role models. Innovators may approach specific target groups to help you reach your desired end result t Read More
I don't want to be dependent on the outcome anymore. I'll explain in a moment. From 2001 until the middle of last year, I was a franchise consultant. Actually, I was a franchise broker. Truth be told, those two titles...are interchangeable. Read More
Those who do not work as employees with benefits don’t see the benefits that many workers take for granted. Before you decide that you would be better off on your own, consider the following financial perks that contractors can’t take for granted. Read More
Customers will always leave for your competitors and while this may be completely unavoidable, knowing the reasons why they leave will help you greatly improve client retention. Read More
In today's post John Jantsch covers the way you can answer the question - Is Someone Getting the Best of You? It is your opportunity to view this question with a very positive perspective and make the conscious effort to give someone your best every single day. Read More

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