Gautamhans voted on the following stories on BizSugar

7 Deadly Blog Writing Sins

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Social Media
From 5124 days ago
Made Hot by: argentisgroup on July 17, 2010 2:08 pm
These days, many people have started a blog for hobby or business. The trouble is, with so much competition out there, your blog really has to stand out from the crowd. In fact, not only does your blog need to stand out from the average ones that are popping up every day, but you also need to compete with established blogs, with their loyal fan bases, that have been around for years. In short, in order to have any impact whatsoever, good is just not good enough. Your blog has to be excellent Read More
Interviews with thirteen unique entrepreneurs who share how they built their brand through online content ranging from Gary Vaynerchuk to Chris Brogan Read More
Hello I am Ofira, another of Yoni's partners from JobShuk. I've been working with him all day at his home. "Since you vote on BizSugar, why not post an article." Okay Yoni!

Here is a great article and video on making your business Hip-Hop Cool Read More
Keyword research is a funny thing. You can gain a lot of knowledge about what words people use when searching on the engines, but it tells very little about what a person wants when they search using a particular keyword or phrase. The intent behind the search is the missing component. But I don't know of any keyword tools that get far enough inside the searcher's heads to know what exactly the searcher's intent is Read More

10 Ways to Burn Down Burnout

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Self-Development
From 5127 days ago
Made Hot by: argentisgroup on July 17, 2010 2:06 pm
Are you exhausted? …feeling like you have lost your passion? Here’s a list of 10 things you can do to climb out of the rut and get re-energized Read More

The Choice

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5130 days ago
Made Hot by: argentisgroup on July 17, 2010 2:09 pm
It is your duty as a salesperson to do everything in your power to ensure that you win deals. This means that you have to take action—even when taking action is difficult or uncomfortable Read More
There are cultural differences between British English and American English that go beyond different spelling. Today many businesses want to reach a wide international audience in English and are turning to International English to make this easier. Read More
Free live chat software allows you to answer customer questions (increasing conversions!) and acquire insights into website usability at the same time. Read about my experience and get suggestions for free software you can try. Read More

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