Hishaman voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Neil Patel Case Study: The Definitive Guide to SEO Traffic

Avatar Posted by achola under Online Marketing
From https://www.billacholla.com 2261 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on May 21, 2018 6:10 am
Driving organic traffic to one’s website is the biggest challenge new Internet brands face.

I have experienced it before, and I see other business owners struggle with the same problem time and time again. Read More
In this episode, I interview Gini Dietrich, a crisis management professional. She’s the founder and CEO of Spin Sucks, a site that helps businesses thrive with their public online communications. She also hosts the brand-new Spin Sucks podcast. Read More
Want more conversions from your organic social media traffic?

Wondering how to set up a sales funnel for your social media visitors?

In this article, you’ll learn how to convert more social media visitors using a sales funnel. Read More

Don’t Let Leaks Shipwreck Your Lead Gen Program

Avatar Posted by J_a_scheer under Marketing
From http://amaboston.org 2264 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on May 18, 2018 9:23 am
Want more quality leads? Who doesn't?

But while the objective of lead gen is pretty straightforward, its execution is not. "Leaks" in your lead gen operation make it the harder it will be to bring in the quality leads you need to hit the most important goal of all: revenue. Read More
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and all other social media platforms are loaded with billions of users, and social media has become an addiction to the human race in the modern age. Before social media and before the internet the way people communicated with each other was very much different Read More
A few days ago, the WPRichSnippets got updated. We’ve released version 1.4.6 with a fix for the automatic plugin updates class. Read More

Why Neil Patel Is Totally Wrong About Twitter

Avatar Posted by pvariel under Social Media
From https://blog.thesocialms.com 2719 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on February 18, 2017 4:11 am
I would never have thought that one day I would say that Neil Patel is wrong about anything. I am a fan. I think he is one of the best marketers out there. His blog is one of the few marketing blogs I read regularly and even subscribed to. I listen to his webinars. If I am searching for certain inf Read More
Every business must have a strong brand to succeed in today’s noisy marketplace. It’s true that a brand is more than a logo, but a strong brand starts with a great logo. You can face heavy fines and get into a lot of trouble if you don’t have a license to the fonts and typefaces you use.
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Gaining qualified traffic to your website is only half the journey. The other, most important half is transforming that traffic into paying customers.

To be profitable, conversion is imperative. You must make every visitor count if you want your marketing dollars to go a long way.

There’s a m Read More
Do you know why you blog? Did you know blogging success is often related to the motivation of the writer. This article looks at two studies about blogging motivation and what it tells us about our own writing. Read More

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