Iannarino voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Everyone knows that the top 20% of salespeople generate 80% of the results. This is a surefire plan to not be bothered with the pressure of getting results or having to carry the bottom 80%. Here’s how to maintain your place in the bottom 80%. Read More
Sales is getting too soft. This is not a call to return to the hard sell, but instead a reminder that the outcomes that we in sales want and need have not changed. Being professional and being too soft are two very different things. Read More
Passionate engagement separates the successful from the less successful. It separates the masters from the dabblers. Great salespeople are passionately engaged in all that they do, their clients feel it and they buy it. Read More
Sales is an emotional process, those that tell you not to take it personally miss the fact that if you are not fully engaged, you're not in the game. Play to win. Read More
In sales (or anything else), one of the most important keys to success is persistence. How can you leverage this quality to work in your behalf? Read More
Salespeople don’t sell product or services; they sell outcomes. Successful salespeople manage these outcomes for their clients and their companies, ensuring that they achieve the results and the outcome that they sold. Follow these steps to better manage your client’s outcomes. Read More
If you want to sell more, give yourself more time to sell. Not very hard, not very high tech, although technology can help. But mostly it's down to actually doing things in the right proportion at the right time. Read More
If you greet each day with love in your heart, your prospects will take notice! Cultivating the facets of love like enthusiasm, gratitude, passion and optimism will make you a better salesperson! Read More

Did you know?

Did you know? - http://www.alenmajer.com Avatar Posted by alenmajer under Sales
From http://www.alenmajer.com 5231 days ago
The 21st Century changes the rules of engagement. Business world is changing daily, and if you are not at least trying to keep up with the changes, you are becoming the dinosaur of sales. Read more about selling in 21st Century. Read More
...The first step in positioning through social media is to get to know your audience intimately. Commonly referred to as social media monitoring tools, guerrilla intelligence tools allow you to sort through the millions of possible blog posts, Tweets, and videos honing in on relevant conversations by your target market. Once this target market has been identified, and their true needs, wants, co Read More

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