Iannarino voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There are those who say the old school style of selling is dead, “The way we sell has changed.” Then there are those who remind us to “get back to basics.”

You could say that both view points are valid… but how do you know when the basics are still the basics, or...
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Before you can make an effective sales presentation, you need to know how your prospect makes decisions. How can you find out? Pay attention! Read More

Passion in Sales: Where Has it Gone?

Passion in Sales: Where Has it Gone?  - http://blog.sellingtoconsumers.com Avatar Posted by SkipAnderson under Sales
From http://blog.sellingtoconsumers.com 5237 days ago
Made Hot by: wendyweiss on March 5, 2010 2:04 am
When I start working with a company and their sales force, it doesn't take long to identify which salespeople have a real passion for their customer, for their product, and for the sales activity. These are the individuals who have a superior drive to achieve, a sparkle in their selling eye, and a true love of their customers and their product or company. Is it just me, or are there fewer of thes Read More

2 Ways to Create Influence and Persuade Others for Salespeople

2 Ways to Create Influence and Persuade Others for Salespeople - http://thesalesblog.com Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From http://thesalesblog.com 5237 days ago
Made Hot by: wendyweiss on March 5, 2010 2:02 am
Real influence, the real ability to persuade others, is based on the foundational attributes of success. They aren’t tactical, and they are what make you someone worth listening to. Build on these two points to build influence and persuade others. Read More
So you've effectively waded through the prospecting and qualifying portions of the sales process, and you've got a hot one! How do you get them to "Yes"? Find out their NEADS! Read More
Many salespeople live in fear of the "hard sell." They don't want to be the guy that hammers prospects into the sale, that manipulates them to achieve an order, that puts the salesperson's needs over the prospect's. But hard selling still works. It's just a question of if you want to go there or not. Read More

Competitive Intelligence 2.0, The Social Media Monitoring Advantage

Competitive Intelligence 2.0, The Social Media Monitoring Advantage - http://bettercloser.com Avatar Posted by billrice under Sales
From http://bettercloser.com 5238 days ago
Made Hot by: SalesBlogcast on March 4, 2010 9:32 am
Competitive intelligence 2.0 is just the latest benefactor of Web 2.0 technology. As with other genres tagging on the 2.0 moniker competitive intelligence is getting a face-lift because of this open and interoperable tech philosophy. Your opportunity is to take advantage of the advantage before your competitor does. Read More
I’m continually amazed at how many B2B sales folks are not yet making social media a serious part of their sales process. Half of those people are apprehensive about trying something new and the other half believe it will be a big waste of time.

My hope is that following these 10 simple principles will get you over both of these hurdles. Read More
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your prospect will refuse to say "No" even if it's the right answer. When that happens, you'll have to step in and say it yourself. Read More
You sell a product or service. Your prospects might want to know how your product or service works, so you often need to tell them what it does, how it does it, and what the prospect should know about the product or service if the prospect decides to own it. But that is not selling. It is often part of selling, but it's not selling. Yet, many salespeople confuse "How a product works" with "how to Read More

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