Ivanwalsh voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you are still in the habit of SELLING your MLM products or services then you have come to the right place. What you are doing is a HUGE NO NO. Here's an idea...stop selling and start utilizing an attraction marketing system that brings people to you, credit card in hand, ready to buy! Read More
In the not too distant past, when an individual decided to find out more information about a business or service, they usually ‘Googled’ the business, and all was well and done. However, today there is another option, custom Facebook fan pages for business promotion. These pages often referred to a Read More
If you are serious about mastering internet marketing it is vital to know how to use Twitter for business marketing. A lot of people still can't see the point of Twitter, and think of it as just a way for teenagers to communicate with other. Read More
It's global entrepreneurship week! Is your small business taking advantage of international opportunities? Entering the global marketplace may not be as daunting as you may think. Today, we challenge small biz owners to ask themselves, "Why not?" Read More
Extra Plugin, a premium WordPress plugin that can be used to get maximum upshot from my Google Adsense program. The extra plugin helps me better target my ad placements and categories. Read More
Unfortunately, many businesses who setup their own PPC campaigns aren’t aware that negative keywords could improve their performance considerably. Read More

5 Home Office Mistakes and How to Avoid Them | Working Naked

Avatar Posted by Ileane under Strategy
From http://workingnaked.com 4638 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on November 15, 2011 4:40 pm
As a business owner, every minute counts. If I make a mistake, whether large or small, it can potentially cost me time, money and aggravation.
All of us make mistakes. Without them, how would we learn anything. Save yourself from stress and anxiety by considering (and avoiding) these common busine Read More
Have you noticed how Copyblogger is moving from a ‘traditional’ blog to a solutions provider offering web marketing tools? Some people feel that Copyblogger should have stuck to its roots and built a better blog, but I’m not so sure. Read More
What’s the difference social media writing and business writing? This article shows you how to be a better social media writer with examples you can copy Read More

Does Your Klout Score Fit Into Your Social Media Strategy

Avatar Posted by keepupweb under Social Media
From http://keepupwiththeweb.com 4650 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on November 3, 2011 10:35 am
Have the changes that Klout made to the algorithm that they use to calculate scores affected how you use Klout in your social media strategy? Read More

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