Jane.courtnell voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Free Up More Time by Keeping Track of It

Avatar Posted by StellaShveyqgd under Management
From https://www.frenzytofreedom.com 1670 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on March 8, 2020 12:18 pm
There is a huge shift in mindset when you go from not feeling like you have enough time in the day to knowing that you got done what mattered the most and that you won’t lose track of the things you didn’t get to. Read More
Everyone loves to talk about the benefits of remote work. But what about the dark side? Here's how to avoid overwork and burnout when working remotely.

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Enterprise Document Management provides ultimate document control. Find out what it is, how to implement it and access the best EDMS tools in the market today. Read More
Targeting keywords and keyword stuffing are strategies that no longer work for content. Due to advancements in algorithms and AI, the focus needs to shift to targeting intent and getting customer engagement content to match it to searchers.
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Operational level agreements help make sure SLAs are properly facilitated and fulfilled. Find out why - and how to create your own OLAs - with this post. Read More
A well-executed social media strategy is priceless. If you're serious about social media marketing, this guide will help you use it properly. Read More

Accel Leads $12m Series A for Process Street’s No-Code Workflow App

Avatar Posted by zolachupik under Technology
From https://www.process.st 1675 days ago
Made Hot by: oezee on March 4, 2020 6:26 am
Process Street has raised a $12M Series A from Accel, Atlassian, Salesforce Ventures and other amazing investors.

The funds will go towards our vision of building the GitHub of no-code; where teams around the world can find and use checklists, workflows and automations to improve their productiv Read More

Why Every Business Needs a Wiki

Avatar Posted by Ihya1324 under Management
From https://tettra.com 1676 days ago
Made Hot by: adston on March 3, 2020 12:35 pm
A business wiki is a central database of knowledge. It’s a place where all your coworkers can store internal documentation about processes, projects, or products they’re building.

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Video Review: How to Give Effective Feedback

Avatar Posted by ferdiepre13 under Marketing
From https://www.process.st 1676 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on March 1, 2020 1:28 pm
Videos are a powerhouse when it comes to marketing, explaining your product, and much more.

Heck, when users are spending 88% more time on websites that have videos, you can see their power just in terms of retention.

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4 Methods To Help Any Firm Stay Effective

Avatar Posted by Liz_062 under Startups
From https://alltopstartups.com 1677 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on March 4, 2020 3:09 am
A business, in many ways, is comparable to a knife. If left unattended, or used incorrectly, the blade can dull. It requires continual sharpening and correct use in order to be effective, and this is often found in the competence of the handler.

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