Jasminekate63 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Five simple steps to generate leads from your warm letters

Five simple steps to generate leads from your warm letters - http://www.clientattraction.com Avatar Posted by amabaie under Sales
From http://www.clientattraction.com 4027 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on June 11, 2013 12:28 pm
generate-leads-warm-lettersCongratulations! You’ve sent out your first warm letter to the people in your network of contacts. That is a huge step to undertake for generating leads, so feel proud of yourself. But what do you do next if you don’t hear back from any of the recipients? Read More
One of the biggest problems for a lot of copywriters when writing an ad is to actually get started writing. You may already have a few ideas about the structure of your sales letter, but the problem is knowing where to actually start. Read More
Well, I wouldn’t know why anyone would choose not to be successful. Sounds odd, right? But the truth is, some entrepreneurs aren’t just trailing the path to success.

Of course, success in any venture doesn’t come easily. But by adopting some smart (but ethical) tactics, implementing expert tips Read More

5 Apps To Help Close The Deal Today

5 Apps To Help Close The Deal Today  - http://www.tacticalsalestraining.co.uk Avatar Posted by TST1 under Sales
From http://www.tacticalsalestraining.co.uk 4048 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on May 21, 2013 11:01 pm
Mobile sales strategies give you a massive advantage over lugging a laptop with you; everything can be accomplished with an app nowadays.

However there are over 867,530 apps in the app stores so it’s going to be hard to find the right one. Read More
Imagine two scenarios. In the first one, your team doesn’t really care for what they’re doing and several employees aren’t that fond of each other. The second scenario, however, has a group of people who love and believe in what they’re doing and truly appreciate each other’s strengths. It seems ra Read More
Now, if you ask me, i will tell you that the number of comments a blog gets does not equate to traffic. Just like Adrienne said, we all have our various desires and goals and that’s exactly what we should be aiming for right? Now, people like John Chow, Darren Rowse and Brian Clack are not really a Read More

Should You Link To Your Own Websites?

Should You Link To Your Own Websites?  - http://www.affiliatehelp.info Avatar Posted by jonrhodesuk2 under Online Marketing
From http://www.affiliatehelp.info 4048 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on May 21, 2013 11:26 pm
For years the majority of people with several websites have linked them together in order to share their traffic and gain SEO benefits. However the search landscape keeps on changing, and what worked in the past doesn’t always work now. If you do the wrong thing then you can see your site take a hu Read More
Many companies have now moved to the cloud for their hardware and software computing activities, while there are benefits of using cloud computing there are also limitations. This post helps uncover myths of cloud computing. Read More
Will Newman shares the importance of a strong guarantee and how it will increase credibility, cement your prospect’s trust, and increase sales. Read More
Finally, some good news in for small business owners! Check out what a new report said about the profit forecast for small businesses in 2013... Read More

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