Jasoncpf voted on the following stories on BizSugar

According to Robert Clay, only 2% of prospects will ever buy at the first meeting, which means that our first encounter with someone shouldn’t just be about you.

A customer will want to learn more about you before they trust you with their credit card information.

There is another way to st Read More
Why to spend on tools if we can increase our blog traffic without it?

Why should we waste our hard earned money on tools if we can drive a lot of high-quality traffic to our blogs without spending a dime.

Here is an ultimate guide which would teach you how to make the FOUNDATION strong befor Read More
A lot of people are using Quora nowadays to drive traffic to their websites. It amazing how merely the act of engaging an audience through a series of questions and answer can promote thought leadership, and ultimately convince bands of followers to know more about you (or what you have to offer). Read More
If you’ve been wanting to get into the social media game but aren’t sure if you can handle the plethora of platform options, this is the blog post for you. Your small business can get good business from connecting with customers via social media, even if you don’t have tons of time to commit to spe Read More
There was a time when marketing was a serious challenge for SMBs. And to make things worse, the original marketing automation platforms didn’t help either. They were expensive, confusing and difficult to implement.

All of that has changed with time. Over the last few years, marketing automation Read More
Daniel Kempe pits Quuu against Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. Who won? This might be a lil shocking... Read More

7 Twitter Tools To Make You See Awesome Results

Avatar Posted by Inspiretothrive under Social Media
From http://inspiretothrive.com 3134 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on April 17, 2016 12:23 pm
My friend Sally is still not ready to tweet yet. She like others I’ve met along the way find Twitter difficult to understand. I was with another customer yesterday who said “that will be the day I tweet.” (He just got started with Facebook). The Guardian wrote a little while ago why do normal peop Read More
Social Media Marketing Podcast 92, in this episode Mark Schaefer and Tim McDonald share why blog comments are valuable to your business.

Do you like to get comments on your blog?

Have you ever wondered if you should allow comments or shut them down? Read More

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