Joemanna voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Business owners want to have the advantage with intelligent applications that help them get work done efficiently and effectively. Five apps that help you get more work done with social media. Read More

Where and Why are Businesses Closing? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Avatar Posted by amabaie under News
From 5124 days ago
Made Hot by: jnelson on July 16, 2010 4:55 pm
1.5 million businesses in the USA have closed since the recession started. Where and why are these businesses closing Read More
Not everything works for everybody. Although there may be common characteristics among successful small business owners, not every business owner approaches business the same way. Successful small business owners are masters at filtering knowledge and implementing only what works best for them. They create and discover fundamental habits that enable them to mover further faster. Read More
Sure, sending newsletters is a great way to send information to your customers, but what information are you getting back? You might think collecting information at subscription is the only way to get data out of your newsletter, but there are several other ways you can get your company newsletter to deliver valuable customer insights Read More
Tyler Garns from Infusionsoft explains the steps to take to avoid chaos resulting from using multiple technology systems and platforms in your small business. What does this mean in plain English? Stop trying to use many different technologies and programs to manage a customer relationship process and streamline with some of today's powerful tech solutions. Read More
Mari shares her initial impressions of the iPad, common mistakes people make with social media marketing, and Mari's 80/20 rule of social media strategy. Read More
Travis Campbell wrote this blog post while at InfusionCon (@infusionsoft) the email marketing 2.0 experts and their user conference. Followup marketing isn't nearly as hard when it's profitable. Follow these strategies and see for yourself. Read. Learn. Connect. Read More

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