Johnwho voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Get more blog readers with this tiny and easy tweak to your blogging strategy. What is it? Click here to find out. Read More
Might franchise businesses stand to gain greater success with increased influence over franchisee marketing and operations decisions? Find out more about what some franchise marketing leaders think with latest Yodle survey. Read More
All startup businesses should have a business plan prepared. Even franchises! Here is a partial list of franchise opportunities that you should put together a solid business plan for before you buy one. Read More
Through my trials and errors, I discovered five crucial entrepreneurial skills that you can only acquire through personal experience. Read More
In your head, you’ve got a great idea for a can’t-miss Facebook post to promote your business. It’s going to the most shared, liked, and talked about thing on Facebook that day. And then. . .nothing. What went wrong? Here are four things to keep in mind to create more engaging Facebook posts before Read More
Visual storytelling helps connect, inspire, and engage your brand with your audience better and faster than a simple text. But what makes powerful visuals? See this infographic now! Read More
Last time, in our newsletter, we looked at Socrates.

We learned how Socrates' great contribution to philosophy was to challenge us all to think more deeply about what we mean when we use moral words; what does it MEAN to say, Justice, Fairness, Equality and Friend.

Today we are continuing our Read More
How do you know which metrics help you succeed?
Vanity metrics is the mind altering drug of choice for many entrepreneurs. The bigger your ego, the more you want it. It makes you feel good.
Who would ever argue with the desire to want to feel good?
Sometimes vanity metrics are a sign of desperat Read More
Sales strategy and selling tips because in a a rapidly changing sales environment, decisive sales leadership can be the difference between a company that thrives and a company that struggles to acquire enough customers to survive. Sales leadership could be described as “the ability to get a salespe Read More
In Episode 112 of the Content Marketing Podcast, we talk about why it's critical to keep your content marketing going when times are tough and budgets are tight — and we share some strategies to help get you through those market downturns. Read More

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