Jsternal voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Following the two case studies that I did earlier on; Nestle’s Facebook Mess and Tiger Airways’ Selective Listening, I would like to share five lessons I’ve learnt from social media public relations disasters like them.
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Tachi Yamada the President of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Global Health Program was interviewed in the New York Times recently.

Here is our synopsis:

Becoming a manager

The most difficult transition to becoming a manager is the issue of delegation. What do you give up? (view the article to see more) Read More
Guy Kawasaki - well known author, venture capitalist and entrepreneur - loves Twitter because he says it democratizes marketing. No matter who you are, you get 140 characters to state your message, you can reach thousands of people, and it’s free. He even thinks all email should only be 140 characters with no attachments.

Here is a brief sample of Guy Kawasaki’s tips for using Twit Read More
Recently while researching for a guest speaker a thought stroke me: What is the future of gate-keeping in organisations? Read More
In this article you will be taught how to use blogging to get laze targeted traffic to your business for free. Read More
If you are a business such as an IT service provider or any other business you should consider holding a social media event in your city for your very own clients. It will help them understand the tools better and give them a way to increase their own business. Read More
I love Wordpress, and others small business owners and marketers should too. Over the past two years, it has become my web design platform of choice. Read More
Business questions answered along with tips on getting quoted in the media, charging the right price and more. Includes questions from entrepreneurs and business owners. Read More
Considering mobile marketing in your business? These 7 reasons might compel you to give it strong consideration, it includes charts and graphs from 3rd party market research firms.

Read. Learn. Connect, and share your own experiences. Read More
This is the first part in a two part series on leadership and the skills needed to increase your chances of small business and startup success. Read More

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