Jsternal voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You’ve heard it a thousand times: the money’s in the list. If you’re serious about getting results online, you need to build a list of people who are paying attention to you, typically an email list. Read More
Google built an empire out of serving consumers ads matching exactly what they were looking for at exact right moment ... Read More
Google has been gaining steam in the cloud based business application space with the evolution of Google Apps, Gmail, and Google Calendar. That evolut Read More
What makes a leader? What are the principles lived by effective, inspiring, leaders? Leadership skills are critical in a startup or small business, maybe even more so than in a large corporate organization. Here are principles that every leader should follow. Read More
Barry Moltz, author of BAM! Bust-A-Myth: Delivering Customer Service in a Self-Service World, answered that question recently. Who better than Barry to answer this? His book, a great book, lists 19 customer service myths. And he busts them all. But these were his 3 favorite myths. Read More
Twitter is a communications system that functions as a cross between a huge, open IM chat room, and blogging by snippet, or micro-blogging. On it, you can narrow down the flood of information by choosing to participate or monitor conversations through the people whose conversations streams you pay attention to, or follow. You can also choose to follow them by categories, or search.

The specifi Read More
There are many functions which can be done effectively by the business owner. Also, you have to be hands on proactively involved in the process. Some of the important things to do are highlighted in this article. Read More
Credit card fraud is a serious problem for all businesses. This article outlines how to prevent credit card chargebacks from happening to your online business Read More
In last week’s Business Builder Newsletter, I outlined what I called the building blocks of a marketing tactic. This is a model I like to use to plan the elements that go into the successful execution of a marketing tactic.... Read More
Facebook and similar networks where “socializing” is truly the main objective can be ineffective marketing platforms for many businesses. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have a fan page for your business but, what I am saying is that you have to prioritize the amount of effort you provision for each online marketing vehicle based on simple ROTI. (Return On Time Invested) Read More

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