Jsternal voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Finding cost-effective keywords can help you attract new cusotmers using PPC advertising. The beauty of PPC traffic generation strategies is that you can test them until you find winning keyword/advertising combinations that make money.

Here's a helpful basic financial analysis process that can help anyone get started generating profitable PPC traffic...

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A consumer's view of the mobile marketing programs from 3 major retailers.

It is great that companies are starting to reach out to customers through mobile, but marketers need to keep in mind that a mobile device is something that a person has with them at all times. To connect with someone on that personal level you need to provide highly personalized and relevant offers – always. Read More
Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone. How can this phrase help you become the greatest salesperson in the world? Read More
We talk a lot about taking the time to manage customer reviews and it makes sense to do so. Online reviews grow legs: The search engines are aggregating them, Read More
Think Twitter is just some silly Internet fad with no real impact on your business? Think again! With an estimated 75 million people sending over 1.5 billion messages (or “tweets”) a month, Twitter is an increasingly important way to connect with your customers and prospects – one you can’t afford to ignore! Read More
Why not promote your business using one of the Twitter advertising services that have sprung up in the last 18 months or so. Here's a list of the 15 best Twitter advertising services for you to consider (so far!) Read More
How many times have you heard about blogging: it’s not brain surgery? Problem is, most of what you read about blogging makes assumptions you don’t know. Get the background info nobody gave you. Read More
Here’s a neat new product that just might make your small business marketing life easier, especially when it comes to building your email marketing lists at the physical store level. Here’s the scenario: You’re a small business owner with a physical store location. Lots of customers come through your door each day but you’re not maximizing the opportunity to properly collect customer email addres Read More
Always be optimizing. This is the mindset required to drive and strengthen your online presence to the point where you are always “found” wherever people are searching for your keywords. This includes prospects who are searching Google Images. You have to view images as additional mechanisms for delivering your keyword content. Read More
Small business owners have increasingly used social media as a cost-effective marketing tool. A report from ComScore earlier this month suggested Facebook might be the best social media site for double duty social network and search marketing, with an increase in search activity the same month Google saw losses. Read More

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