Jsternal voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Here’s yet another example of how today’s technology can drastically improve your email marketing for small business. Are you leveraging your Web site to offer a virtual tour to showcase your products and services? Virtual tours can be a great way to bring your showroom to your customers, rather than worrying about bringing customers to your showroom. This strategy has been working for home build Read More
Want a great way to spice up any small business press release that’s directed at virtually any company in any industry? Send the media a press release that compares the impact of something on men compared with how the same thing affects women. Read More
If you use professional search engine marketing, then you will be able to improve your sites ability to feature highly on searches far more quickly. Read More
I'm a big fan of regularly reviewing you marketing plan. I believe that regularly reviewing your plan is just as, if not more, important as creating the plan in the first place. Marketing plan review discussions generally include metrics. Here... Read More

Passion in Sales: Where Has it Gone?

Passion in Sales: Where Has it Gone?  - http://blog.sellingtoconsumers.com Avatar Posted by SkipAnderson under Sales
From http://blog.sellingtoconsumers.com 5239 days ago
Made Hot by: wendyweiss on March 5, 2010 2:04 am
When I start working with a company and their sales force, it doesn't take long to identify which salespeople have a real passion for their customer, for their product, and for the sales activity. These are the individuals who have a superior drive to achieve, a sparkle in their selling eye, and a true love of their customers and their product or company. Is it just me, or are there fewer of thes Read More
Many small business owners are beginning to use Twitter for business. ReTweets on Twitter can be very powerful. Read this post to see how you can get ReTweeted. Read More
There is talk of change, there is moving the deck chairs around, and then there is dramatic change. It is time for the latter in sales. Read More
One of the real challenges facing us at RevaHealth.com is how best to SEO the different sections of our website that should be targeted at specific countries, Read More
Gurus and Internet Marketing mentors will attempt to give you numerous ways in which to increase email open rate. Here are the best ways which I use with greater open rate. Read More
Organic search engine optimization is the process of improving the traffic towards your website by making it more prominent in search engine results. Read More

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