Jsternal voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I used this image in a recent presentation on social media to help set the table for one of my primary themes – social media is not a single tool or tactic, it’s more of a strategy or behavior.

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duct tape rulesI was wondering if you my readers could help me out by suggesting captions for this image. Simply write a clever caption in Read More
Part of our daily experience is the commute to and from work. Right now that experience is taking money out of our pockets when we could be using it as an opportunity to put money in our pockets! Read More
I explained some of the relationships I have formed through Twitter. They became REAL excited when I gave examples of the relationship aspect of Twitter, after all, isn’t that one of the biggest parts of sales as well, relationship building? Read More
Many in sales use pipeline and forecast interchangeably. The reality is that not only are the two very different, but the way some pipelines are managed lead to continuously erroneous forecasts. Read More
Tough economy got you - and your sales - down? It doesn't have to be that way. Here are twelve, highly effective yet simple ways to blow the hinges off your sales this year. Read More
Salespeople get into trouble when they believe so strongly that they will win a particular deal that they don’t take the requisite steps to prepare for the unimaginable loss. The only way to prevent the loss of a deal from disrupting your sales plan is to plan for the loss of the deal in the first place. You should never count on winning any deal, regardless of what it looks like, regardless of w Read More
A resource from Business.gov helps small business people learn more about loans and financing available through government backed guarantees. According to the site, the government rarely makes direct loans to small businesses. But there are opportunities available and some diligent research can result in uncovering some interesting opportunities. This site is a link to more resources for those sm Read More
As social media allows individuals to connect and communicate directly and quickly within their virtual communities, it has become essential for companies to enter those groups and get their brands in touch with today’s new consumer. Beside being a highly efficient tool for commercial purposes social media has taken the step to revolutionise public relations in general. Especially the latest shoc Read More
This article takes a new viewpoint on how China is slowly learning about global commerce, dealing with international agendas and being a global superpower following Google's threat of pulling out from the country. A personal plea from the writer, "Google, please don't abandon China." Read More
Enough is enough! We are better than this! We have done it before and we can do it again! “Calling all hands on deck”, is my urgent plea to American entrepreneurs and small business owners for 2010. I implore you to rally to the call to turn this nation’s economy around one business (your business) at a time. My hope is that you will, in turn, call “all hands on deck” to those within your company Read More

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