Kahlua16 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Here are 9 experts talking about the crucial aspects of eCommerce website redesigning to achieve better user experience and conversion rate. Read More
Google’s John Mueller wrote a blog post on how SEOs and webmasters can handle site outages or closures that last for a day or longer. This is where a webmaster intentionally takes down a website for maintenance, religious practice, site moves or other reasons. Read More
Selling shoes on Amazon? Think you might want to? Check out this exclusive interview with Power Seller Stephen Smotherman and find out how he reached an average sale price of $75 and 30%-75% ROI. Read More
This successful entrepreneur believes there's one skill that is more important than smart business acumen, exceptional marketing know-how, or even financial savviness. Do you have this skill? Read More
Sales reps are goal-oriented people. Quotas, targets, deals—these are the numbers that matter and they want to hit. Every rep will have their own special craft and go-to techniques for closing deals. While there is nothing wrong with having techniques that work just for you, your company’s success Read More
Efficiency is vital for startups to scale and survive. To be efficient you have to document your processes to make everything repeatable and scalable. Read More

What Makes You a Thought Leader?

What Makes You a Thought Leader? - http://www.briansolis.com Avatar Posted by zolachupik under Self-Development
From http://www.briansolis.com 2672 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on March 4, 2017 9:58 pm
That was the question I was recently asked by my friend Vivienne Neale. I wasn’t sure how to reply. After all, we all have our “thought leaders” whom we follow. Me, I always wanted to be part of a community where doing meaningful things made belonging matter. Honestly, I don’t consider myself a tho Read More
What if your team could use some of the same techniques that companies like Google, Apple, Amazon & Facebook use to streamline the way they work?

Read on to learn how to run a meeting like Google, Apple, Amazon & Facebook and use the same principles to make your meetings as effective as possible Read More
How to start guest posting like a pro and how to organize research using tools like Trello, Pomello and Evernote.

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Web development is an ever changing playing ground for the intelligent, and there is always a need to become better and better at web development and create new designs. There are many tools and tips available on the internet and you can use these tools to improve the aesthetics and functionality o Read More

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