Kahlua16 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Through social media and big data the Leave campaign strategy managed to sway the EU referendum result in their favor despite the polls.
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LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world. Over 467 million people have accounts on the site, and more are joining every day.

Roughly a quarter of these members log in regularly each month, but why? What is the real value of LinkedIn? If these are questions that you have asked th Read More
Are you a consultant who is looking for the perfect landing page design? We can help you out, regardless of who you consult - these templates are for you. Check them out! We're sure that you'll find something that you love. Read More
Do you want to market your business with video?

Are you unsure about appearing on camera?

You can easily create compelling and budget-friendly videos while staying comfortably off-screen. Read More
WordPress is a great platform. One weakness that it suffers from, however, is it can be quite slow.

Without taking the right precautions, you could end up with a sluggish site. Read More
Your website carries your brand as well as your message. While the brand is easily identifiable, your message may not be conveyed to all globally due to the language barrier. To convert those who are attracted to your brand and your product into customers, you must be able to converse with them in t Read More
If you have every been involved in a partnership, then you will understand that there can be good and bad points about having a business partner. If you are looking at starting a partnership, this is a must read article. #businessadvice, #duediligence, #businesspartner, #businesspartnership, #corpo Read More
Do you know how to easily use Pinterest for brand marketing and increase your brand visibility? This infographic shows how Pinterest marketing can effectively boost your brand visibility and accessibility. Read More
It might be tempting to think that successful brands place a general emphasis on quality, something every brand should do. Fair enough. But, if so, why doesn't every brand do it? Read More
Scaling customer success requires the right timing and combination of people, process and technology. Learn how to scale your customer success team. Read More

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