Keenan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you are to stop entrenching yourself, the first thing you must learn to do is to stop defending beliefs that no longer serve you. Read More
The commitments that you need to move your opportunity aren’t only for you. Most of them are equally or more important to your dream client! Read More
Leveraging events is key to success in sales, but runs the risk of rendering a sales person to being reactive. As a proactive sales professional, you need to look at how to make thing happen not just wait for them to. Read More

Sales Options Exchange - The Pipeline

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5043 days ago
Made Hot by: shepherd on December 12, 2010 12:35 pm
What if sales people or organizations, could hedge their forecasts with derivatives?  Would they be willing to risk the money or improve the quality of their forecasts and sales?  Read More

Who Made You Quit?

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5044 days ago
Your most dangerous and fiercest competitor has had your dream client locked up tighter than a steel drum for years. Did your competitor make you quit? Read More
Making a good prospecting call is a lot like a good movie trailer. It need to have drama, facts and emotion to make the target want to see you to learn more. Read More
Happy holidays! Are you feeling like the “Grinch” again? I know that it is very difficult to down size your sales force. How do you think your remaining sales team will perform? Can you say with good conscious that your sales force is making a difference? Read More

How Did You Do? - The Pipeline

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5050 days ago
Made Hot by: jkennedy on December 2, 2010 12:51 am
As we enter December and the home stretch, it is a good time to see which of the things you commit ed to put into practice at the start of 2010 you were able to accomplish. On the one hand you still have a month, on the other an opportunity to learn and take something from the experience into 2011 Read More

The Good and Bad of Low Hanging Fruit

Avatar Posted by SkipAnderson under Sales
From 5051 days ago
Made Hot by: jkennedy on December 2, 2010 11:31 pm
As salespeople, we are driven to make sales. Most of us are paid based upon our ability to do so.

So I don't blame a salesperson who pursues the easy sale. Sales to low-hanging fruit are just as valid as the sales we made to customers who required a great deal of work on our part. But sometimes Read More

How To Use Your Calendar

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5051 days ago
Made Hot by: jkennedy on December 2, 2010 12:50 am
You may believe that your calendar is for keeping track of the appointments that you have with other people, with your clients and your dream clients. Read More

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