Keenan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When to Be Creative in Sales and When Not to Be

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5059 days ago
Made Hot by: profit613 on December 2, 2010 12:36 am
Sometimes you want to be creative in sales, and you are right to be. But other times, you are using it as an excuse to avoid what is difficult. Read More

Unreturned Voice Mails – Sales eXchange – 72 - The Pipeline

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5059 days ago
Made Hot by: profit613 on November 23, 2010 4:19 pm
Having looked at sales people leaving voice mail, the question comes up as to why many people do not return. Beyond really bad messages, why do some people choose to hide behind voice mail, rather than to use it as a productivity tool? Read More
There are other virtues that great salespeople possess, in addition to honesty and integrity, which lead to a high level of excellence and effectiveness. Read More

How to Avoid Doing Bad VC Deals

Avatar Posted by TonyJohnston_CNi under Raising Capital
From 5063 days ago
Made Hot by: SkipAnderson on November 22, 2010 4:05 pm
Having the right ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET about using other people's money is your best protection against doing a you’re-gonna-regret-it-later financing deal. Read how to get it here... Read More
Whether you respond to the RFP on your desk or not, here are some of the reasons the RFP process is unhealthy. For you and for your dream client. Read More

Do Leader Boards Work? - The Pipeline

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5064 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Manifesto on November 21, 2010 5:26 pm
Creating healthy competition is a great way to lift the team and individuals at the same time. One great way to create competition over and above money is to post up to date results on a Leader Board. Read More

Weekend Musings – Sales eXchange – 71 - The Pipeline

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5066 days ago
Made Hot by: profit613 on November 17, 2010 8:56 am
Selling is not a religious thing, you need to mix and match based on the circumstance. Rather than fixating on one type of selling, continue to integrate and evolve to meet all opportunities.

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You have to choose your future regret. But only one of your choices has a potential upside. Choose wisely. Read More

Making It Real - The Pipeline

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5069 days ago
Made Hot by: jkennedy on November 14, 2010 11:01 pm
It is hard for a buyer to get fully engaged without if they are focused only on the symptoms. As a seller you must shit the focus to the cause in order to sell the solution, all too many sellers try to cure the symptoms not the cause. Read More
Hiring your next superstar salesperson is no easy task. Past experience alone isn’t enough. Here’s what to look for and why. Read More

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