Keenan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Every sales encounter brings the possibility of a breakthrough in advancing towards a sale. But the real breakthroughs are more often found through the long and meaningful nurturing of relationships. Each sales encounter has to be treated as if it might lead to a breakthrough, and it must also be treated as a simple opportunity to nurture and build a future opportunity. More often than not, no si Read More
Want to sell more? Check out this simple, 2-step process that's GUARANTEED to help you sell more, no matter what you're selling. Read More
Becoming the greatest salesperson in the world wouldn't be possible without a little guidance along the path. Where can you get the guidance you need? Read More
Ever wonder what makes sales people great? There is a terrific book that I don’t think very many people know about. It’s called How to Hire & Develop Your Next Top Performer. Although I read it years ago, the ideas I’m sharing today have stuck with me throughout my sales career... Read More

How Will You Reinvent Yourself in Q2-2010?

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5294 days ago
Made Hot by: franpro on April 5, 2010 3:00 pm
There is no reason to wait for the calendar to change to reinvent yourself. But there is also no reason to miss an opportunity to take an inventory of what beliefs and actions no longer serve you and what you might replace them with to generate greater results. Read More
Micro-coaching is my term for a particular style of sales coaching that can pay big rewards. Micro-coaching is completed in very small episodes throughout the day, week, and month. Brief bits of sales coaching increase the number of "touches" between the coach Read More
Rapidly growing 'social media" sites have the challenge of maintaining a "social" experience with their users while balancing the business realities of a growing site. Too big a gap between experience and expectations could leave users dissatisfied. Read More
Think you can effectively do two things at once? Think again! Brad Trnavsky and Jerry Kennedy discuss the myth of multi-tasking and its effect on the quality of your work. Read More
Plans and goals without action are dead before they're born. Procrastination is the enemy of success; learn how to feel the fear of failure and act anyway! Read More
Sherlock Holmes had a remarkable ability for finding out what sort of people he was dealing with, through powers of close observation.

The salesperson must understand his customer, and his understanding must be based on facts. Read More

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