Leahrsinger voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The Olympics have ended, but the hashtag #NBCfail will remain for some time in the social media court of opinion. Luckily, NBC has trained professionals in crisis management to handle these public relations issues. But what would you do if your business suddenly found itself under attack? Read More
Labor Day was originally intended as a holiday to celebrate the achievements of American workers, celebrating the contributions that made the American economy strong and prosperous. The holiday has become a day that we reward employees with a day off to celebrate time with family. Whether you are Read More

10 Ways to Improve Company-wide Motivation

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Human Resources
From http://www.noobpreneur.com 4364 days ago
Made Hot by: BIZantium on August 15, 2012 8:23 pm
Employees need to feel motivated to an extent beyond what skills they provide the company. Here are 10 ways to do just that. Read More

How Employee Empowerment Can Help Your Business

Avatar Posted by leahrsinger under Human Resources
From http://merchantos.com 4365 days ago
Made Hot by: KirstenJones on August 18, 2012 4:10 am
Empowering your employees means training them well and trusting that they will do the right thing. It allows employees a feeling of ownership, yet they still need to answer for their behavior. So how do you succeed at empowering your employees while still keeping the reigns? Read More
One of the latest trends in small business fundraising is crowd funding. Crowd funding – a branch of crowd-sourcing – is asking a group of people for small amounts of money to fund and idea or a project. The concept taps into the power of the greater public to help you realize a financial goal in o Read More
There are hundreds of applications that exist to give you the ability to spice up your media. Here are a few of the new applications that are simple to use, and will make photos pop and your ideas come to life. Read More
The idea of a company brand ambassador is not new, but has taken on more importance in today’s age of social networking. Brand ambassadors can be internal staff or fans and loyal customers (or bloggers) who love your business. For this post, let’s talk about the employee brand ambassador. Read More
There is a lesson to be learned by Costco and retailers of all sizes that inventory management is key in staying competitive and profitable. Having holiday items stocked early gives sellers an advantage to promote products in a variety of ways beyond shelf presence. They can capture the early shop Read More

Generation X & Engagement in the Workplace

Avatar Posted by C_Consultingllc under Management
From http://www.clutchconsulting.net 4377 days ago
Made Hot by: BIZantium on August 6, 2012 4:55 am
Even in a good economy, careers stop producing fulfillment for many employees for a number of different reasons. Couple this with an uncertain economy, corporate restructuring, downsized employees, loss of benefits, declining bonuses, and other factors that have been implemented in an attempt to im Read More
The Olympics are here! People are excited to support their favorite athletes, watching the back stories, and cheering them on from the couch (or the computer or iPad). It’s also the time for great Olympic marketing and advertising. There are several ways to bring the Olympic spirit into your busin Read More

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