Leahrsinger voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Stress can undermine entrepreneurs, but with these tips you can better manage it and get back to running your small business. Read More
The end of the year is an excellent time to assess your business goals and make a new plan for 2013. Here's how. Read More
When you hear the name Nike, what comes to your mind? Swoosh, Michael Jordan, “Just do it,” and many other wonderful athletes who have represented the company. But Nike is more than a word; it’s a brand. The Nike swoosh is a symbol of excellence and the company is dedicated to bring inspiration and Read More
There has been much buzz in the online community recently about Facebook’s changes to its EdgeRank algorithm, which now takes the quality of content into consideration when you post to your page. Thus the page reach (the number of people [...] Read More
Business-to-business (B2B) marketers have a tough job. These individuals are constantly looking at new ways to promote a company’s product to other companies with the ultimate goal of selling those services. While B2B marketing is often considered tougher than business-to-customer (B2C) sales, the Read More
Still struggling to get more viewers on your business Facebook page? Here’s something you might not know: the new EdgeRank algorithm on Facebook now takes quality of content into consideration when you post to your page. Your page reach (the number of people who see the post) will increase or decre Read More
The eastern United States continues to feel the affects of Hurricane Sandy that hit thousands of cities, businesses and people this week. It is likely many businesses and retail stores that were hit by this natural disaster may not reopen for quite some time. Hurricane Sandy is forcing many busines Read More
Starting a restaurant is challenge enough. Why wouldn't you protect yourself and your assets by incorporating? Find out how corporations protect you. Read More

Is Your Business Plan Covered in Cobwebs?

Avatar Posted by smpayton under Startups
From http://www.corpnet.com 4288 days ago
Made Hot by: smallbizsavvy on October 31, 2012 2:16 pm
If you haven't looked at your business plan in a while, it's time to take it out and update it. These tips will help you assess what needs to change in your plan. Read More
Looking for strategies to market your brand during the holiday season? Here are tips to get you started. Read More

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