Leahrsinger voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Mobile payment transactions have become so popular that mobile is projected to bring in $171.5 billion worldwide in 2012. This is a 62% increase from $105.9 billion in 2011. The payment systems range from pieces of equipment that attach to smartphones and tablets, to downloadable apps. Are you thin Read More
Did you know that one in four small business owners believe an extra hour in the day is worth more than $500? And that 50% of owners say there is just not enough time in each day? Mastering your time is the most important thing you can do as a business owner. Even making one small change will help Read More
It used to be that customers had to scout out the newspaper ads the week of Thanksgiving to hear about the best Black Friday deals. Over the last two years, however, the Black Friday advertising arena has changed to include a strong online presence. This year, it’s likely shoppers won’t even look a Read More

The Reality of Running a Business

Avatar Posted by smpayton under Startups
From http://www.corpnet.com 4331 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on October 23, 2012 5:36 pm
Running a small business isn't all fun and games. It requires serious dedication and hard work. And guess what? You might not get rich! Read more about the realities of small business ownership here. Read More
It’s beginning to look a lot like … November! That means the holiday buying season will soon be in full throttle. Is your business ready for these shoppers, and do you have a plan in place for your store to be “holiday friendly?” Don’t worry if you’re not quite there yet. Here are five ideas to get Read More
Many successful business owners refer to the quote above when talking about how they achieved their goals. Investing in people is the surest way to get others invested in you. Taking the time to mentor your employees, both in job skills and in life, allows you to generate loyalty among your staff. Read More
One of the best ways to generate traffic to your business website is by creating a blog. Blogs are great for leading prospective customers to your website through the simple process of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in content-rich posts. But once your blog is active and you are writing great con Read More
Many small business owners are using cloud-based file-sharing services, which enable individuals to quickly and instantly update documents and presentations. However there are some tasks and project coordination that need personal oversight that go beyond uploading documents to a cloud server. Hav Read More
This blog post is dedicated to the BizSugar Community. If you haven’t heard, I was recently chosen as BizSugar’s Contributor of the Week. BizSugar is an amazing community for small business owners. This phenomenal community is the site you want to be apart of, especially if you’re starving for t Read More
You set your own future. If you dream of running a business, you hold the power to do so! Change your mindset and you'll be on your way to entrepreneurship! Read More

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