Leonesimmy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Ask 3 different people and you could get 3 different definitions of a project deadline. Is it something that must be respected? Should be respected? Or rather an option to be exercised if you feel like it? To make deadlines work properly for you in project management, it’s important to have a clear Read More
Have you ever wondered what the difference is between SEO (search engine optimization) and SEM (search engine marketing)? Or are they the same thing???

The truth is that, while they are different, they both play very similar roles sharing one common goal… to bring website users to your site. Read More
have you established a budget for your small business? Here are some reasons for doing it that you may not have thought of yet. Read More
Welcome to a new roundup of social media tools and services! This month, let me introduce you to:

Content Idea Generator
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Sales training and national sales meetings both are important. But when done together, they are indeed an odd couple that does not get along so well. This blog shares why sales training often gets shortchanged at national sales meetings and how the issue might be addressed. Read More
Is your business creating and sharing social video content? If not, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to build your online brand. Read More

How to Prep for Black Friday

Avatar Posted by smpayton under Sales
From http://blog.corpnet.com 3605 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on November 24, 2014 2:05 pm
Black Friday represents a significant opportunity for you to boost sales at the start of the holiday season. Read More
I wrote this short blog post about a new tool available from Hootsuite which grades your Twitter profile. It provides a great insight for the less Twitter saavy users on how to not only improve their profile but also improve engagement. Read More
I wrote this short blog post about a new tool available from Hootsuite which grades your Twitter profile. It provides a great insight for the less Twitter saavy users on how to not only improve their profile but also improve engagement. Read More
Every successful business has a growing user base and increasing revenues at its core, growth hacking is responsible for boosting many of these companies to the next level and helping to improve their success. Read More

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