Leonesimmy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Creating a unique, memorable and shareable fundraising call to action can be incredibly effective. But rather than taking a lesson from the Ice Bucket Challenge, it might be more beneficial for nonprofits to learn from some other unique fundraising efforts that have found more sustainable success. Read More
Creating a unique, memorable and shareable fundraising call to action can be incredibly effective. But rather than taking a lesson from the Ice Bucket Challenge, it might be more beneficial for nonprofits to learn from some other unique fundraising efforts that have found more sustainable success. Read More
If you want to be competitive, your product better look great and be intuitive. Here are 7 resources to get you started into creating a stunning mobile app experience. Read More
WordPress rules the web but do the web allows WordPress sites to rule at top? Not until you do the basics. And today, we are going to review top 3 WordPress Cache Plugins which can help you to speedup your site. Read More
In the digital world we live in, the way you create content and do business is ever changing. You are now able to do business with people around the world without needing a big office or large staff. It's this notion that is at the heart of this video. Read More
In the digital world we live in, the way you create content and do business is ever changing. You are now able to do business with people around the world without needing a big office or large staff. It's this notion that is at the heart of this video. Read More
Faced with a lot of LEAD GENERATION strategies, it can be difficult for a call center company to decide which ones work best for you. TELEMARKETING is definitely no dead, but integrated with effective inbound marketing, you're sure to capture more leads and convert them into sales in no time. Read More
There are millions of websites across the web but only a handful of them manage to grab your attention. Ever wondered what are they doing differently because of which people remember their websites? Well, there is no need to put on the thinking cap because the answer is very simple and is around yo Read More
Sole Trader is considered the simplest form of business structure as it is run by one owner without having to partner with anyone. In this business structure the owner gets the privilege or responsibility of taking all business decisions solely...... Read More
Newbies to online marketing typically and consistently make these 3 mistakes! I share with you what they are, and how to avoid them, during a relaxing stroll through the countryside. That is where I do my best thinking, and today I thought out loud so that I could share with you all! Read More

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