Leonesimmy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When you want to keep track of certain ideas, events or people, have those need-to-know gems delivered straight to you, automatically. I want to tell you about two free services that will do just that. Read More
You want to be published in magazines, right? Having your wise words appear in a publication is a sure-fire way to boost your fame factor. But you feel a little intimidated. I’ve got you covered with a media lingo cheat sheet. This one’s specifically on magazines. Read More
Our smartphones. We bring them with us everywhere. We check them constantly. Yet sometimes, we forget just how powerful these devices are. In under a decade, the smartphone has changed the way we live, work and do business.

Discover how smartphones have changed our lives. Read More
How To Get Back To Work

Taking long extended breaks from your blog or business is not what you want to do when you are chasing success.

But sometimes life happens and you need to step away.

The time away won’t be o bad as long as you have a plan to help you come back quickly and get you ba Read More
As your business goes on through successive years, you collect a body of knowledge that defines all aspects of your organization, tempering the customer relationships you forge, and shaping the actions future generations of team members Read More
Because of steep competition, lead generation services companies come up with all sorts of tactics to generate leads and make sales conversions. Some of their schemes work and prove to be very beneficial for both parties. Read More
If you are considering starting up your business, there are lots of things you need to logically consider first. Things like what kind of business you'll run, whether you'll buy or sell and all the in's and out's such as paying minimum wage and office location. Find all you need to know about start Read More
Hi Bizsugars, Here In this Post I've complied 6 Cheap Credit Card Processing services, Check out them and make some choices, leave me a comment and share your own views. Read More

7 types of Employees you should fire

Avatar Posted by taskworld under Human Resources
From http://blog.taskworld.com 3708 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on August 11, 2014 2:45 am
Some people just aren’t employee material. As a manager you really shouldn’t have any qualms about getting rid of those who disrupt what you are trying to accomplish. All people you don’t need to keep on for any reason. But there’s a few others that need handling too. Read More

It's All a Numbers Game, Isn't it?

Avatar Posted by JulieWeishaar under Online Marketing
From http://blog.newhorizons123.com 3708 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on August 11, 2014 3:38 am
Social media is a communications tool, it does not drive direct sales. When social media first became the rage, and now a necessity, many people became enamored with the sheer numbers of followers they had. It literally did become a numbers game and many believed that the higher their numbers, the Read More

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