Leonesimmy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

"The small business landscape is one that is always changing. What’s true of this intrepid group one year may take an unexpected turn the next. So it’s always fascinating to touch base with business owners and learn about their needs, challenges, and aspirations for their businesses."

To Get a c Read More

Functional Roles of Customer Success

Avatar Posted by lincoln-murphy under Customer Service
From http://customersuccess.gainsight.com 3713 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on August 6, 2014 7:24 pm
This article covers the functional roles that play a part in Customer Success, whether performed - or influenced - by Customer Success Managers. Read More
The NLRB just ruled on something that could change franchising-the business model of franchising, as we know it. You need to read this important article on the Franchise Biz Directory blog. Read More
Purchasing a business is a major decision and it requires a lot of research, time, and money. There are many different options even among the same industry, but not every business opportunity is going to be a right fit for you. There are, however, certain signs you can watch for to be sure you are Read More
We know that the back to school season is second only to Black Friday-Christmas for many marketers. But do you have a handle on why you should look at it as a ginormous opportunity? Read More
The first Adobe Illustrator program shipped back in 1987 and soon after changed graphic design forever. Beforehand, illustration used to be primarily via paper or canvas medium, making it an ordeal for artists trying to find the right typeface, colors and other artistic building blocks. Then along Read More
Are you considering an inbound marketing strategy for your company? If so, come see why it might not be the best option for your company. Read More
After packing a 40-hour workweek into just three days, and with several projects still to get through in the four remaining days, I had to take a deep breath and think about how I was going to make it to the end of the week and still have my sanity. Every so often, no matter what’s on our plate, it Read More
People will put up with a lot. They will put up with itchy uniforms and long hours and dirty jobs. People expect that there will be rules and procedures at work. But when you put systems in place that cause your team to deliver poor service, you are asking for trouble. When the systems stink of Read More
No matter what type of business you’re in, implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution is a critical project that must be taken seriously. Read More

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