Leonesimmy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Does your business website really need a Terms and Conditions page? It is not required, but definitely useful! Nellie Akalp, CEO of CorpNet.com, shared more details in this post on the Freshbooks blog. Read More
The record breaking defeat of Brazil at the hands of the German world cup team was so surprising, that it actually serves as a strong metaphor for what not to do in business. Read More
Are you working for a bosshole and thinking that it is probably time to quit? Well, hold on. There are some benefits of working for a challenging boss. Read More

Conquer Instagram With These Apps And Utilities

Avatar Posted by cegeland under Social Media
From http://socialthreesixty.com 3734 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on July 16, 2014 3:06 pm
Looking to become a more effective Instagram marketer? This list of utilities and apps can help you do everything from manage your Instagram app, create and edit images, find hashtags and even post your images to Twitter for you. Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing

Avatar Posted by LisaBM under Marketing
From http://www.bravemedia.ie 3734 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on July 16, 2014 3:31 pm
Social media marketing is a vital part of every digital marketing strategy. In this guide, we'll tell you how to become a social media ninja. Read More
Question: I am running my business from my house. How do I claim a home office deduction on my taxes?

Answer: Starting in the 2013 tax year, the IRS has introduced the Simplified Option for Home Office Deduction, which allows for a standard deduction of $5 per square foot of home used for busin Read More
Do you manage your business or does your business manage you? A lot of small business owners actually struggle with the difference between the two. Below are some tall tell signs that your business is managing you. Read More

Top 5 ways to improve your meetings

Avatar Posted by devan under Management
From http://breakingdownyourbusiness.com 3735 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on July 10, 2014 7:50 pm
Jill and Brad discuss the top 5 ways to improve meetings. From no cell phones allowed (yes, we just said that!), no computers allowed (yes, we said that too!) to setting an agenda. We know these top 5 magic meeting methods will boost your productivity in order to stay on track and get everybody on Read More
If you want your business to have endless potential, you've got to create the perfect content marketing strategy. Here's how to do it. Read More
By the end of a campaign, supposing you’ve adamantly updated and promoted throughout, you will have a bank of crowdfunding content sitting somewhere on the web. When you enter the post-crowdfunding stage, consider how you might update and repurpose these old articles, images, and videos to increase Read More

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