Leonesimmy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Learn about 20 industries using social media blogging to be successful in business. Then gets tips on how to get started. Read More
Judging by the popularity of quizzes like “Which Soda Are You?” and “Which Mad Men Character Should You Hook Up With?” on Buzzfeed, I’m not the only one who has a weakness for online quizzes. In their never-ending quest to offer new, fun, personalized customer experiences, some retailers have start Read More
About ten years ago I wrote an article called “15 Ways to
Advertise for Free.” At that time the advertising methods
detailed in the article were very popular and quite effective. But
because of the ever-changing internet and evolving technology, I
thought it would be interesting to revisi Read More
Many startups wonder:When should I invest in branding? Is it too early? Or will I look unprofessional, and lose potential sales or investors by waiting? Read More
My latest post on TweakYourBiz.com which discusses 7 ways small businesses can differentiate themselves from their competitors and attract better business opportunities. Read More
Sick of hearing generic content marketing strategy advice? These 10 questions are a bit off the cuff but the answers will help you get *real* insight into your customers, and how you can reach them. Read More
On the Internet, business change takes on a whole new meaning. IKEA didn't get the memo, and has cut off their social media nose to spite their trademark face. Read More
This infographic called "Target Acquired: The Science of Building Buyer Personas" from singlegrain explains how to turn that raw digital data into valuable insight that will inform your efforts and improve your operations. Read More
Small local businesses seem to have the hardest time getting social media to work for them. After awhile it’s hard to come up with new updates. To help I put together this list of updates you can edit for your own small business.
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An editorial calendar can help publishers stay on track, but it can’t guarantee success. Here are three tips to get your calendar working and keep you on track. Read More

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