Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Success is the result of the interplay between three critical dimensions – attitude, behavior and technique – that function like the legs of a stool.  Remove one or more, and the stool collapses.
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Businesses need innovative thinking to get visitors to given their e-mail and hence, the concept of lead magnet. In this post, you'll learn the secrets to creating a highly effective lead magnet for your business. Read More
3 stock-market lessons to learn for next year

Try not to let the market's quiet surface trick you. There was a great deal of show underneath the Standard and Poor's 500's level execution this year that gives significant lessons to stock speculators in 2016.

Fortunes were made and lost for th Read More
But things are much more easy nowadays. Some recent researches have indicated that businesses are now closing down their stores to concentrate on online business. From mortar and bricks to cash and clicks, the infographic below shows why online business has a bright future... Read More
Today, social media and printed media play a huge part in the marketing of a business. As a result, there is an endless amount of content produced every day, content which is created in the hope that it will attract and secure more customers for the business concerned.
Such a volume of content mea Read More
I’m often asked for universal tactics or quick tips for business social media. While there is no magic bullet, I have three ‘truths’ that I advise every business – regardless of their goals, their target or their industry. Read More

Twitter features you might not know about

Avatar Posted by Martina Iring under Social Media
From 3214 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on December 16, 2015 9:06 am
Social media channels are always changing. It’s easy for updates to slip through the cracks with busy schedules. Here are a few more recent Twitter updates that you may have missed. Read More
I have 8 smart blogging lessons to help boost your blog traffic and sales.

Learned from my current stay deep in the jungles of Buena Vista, Costa Rica.

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If you find selling hard, let me offer a suggestion which could make it easier: Stop talking.Start listening. Yes, stop telling people what you do. Don't tell them your title. Or what your service offers. Or how many different colors, sizes, bells, and whistles your product comes with. And definite Read More
Data is a powerful tool in content marketing, but it can be hard for readers to understand unless it’s presented well. One solution is providing a visual breakdown of the data in a context that’s easier for the average web user to read or scan. Read More

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