Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Every small business goes through a number ups and downs throughout its life. We wanted to know what small business owners are considering their biggest milestones to be. Here’s what our small business experts had to say… Read More
Are you in need of some Blog and Small Business Help? I know for the past few months with Brainy Marketer, I have been.

After 4+ months, we are back and refocused on delivering quality content like we also did. Read More

6 E-Newsletter Best Practices for 2016

Avatar Posted by VisibleLogic under Online Marketing
From 3251 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on November 8, 2015 10:57 am
It’s easy to get distracted with social media, search or pay-per-click ads, but study after study puts email marketing as the most effective way to build awareness, acquire leads, convert prospects, and retain current customers. Read More
Employee turnover is a fact of life in the business world, and not necessarily a bad thing—particularly if new entrants are exceptionally skilled and qualified, and the rate of turnover is manageable. But if you’ve experienced higher-than-normal employee turnover, you know how disruptive it can be Read More
Here is a 4-step formula to ensure your Holiday Sales Skyrocket and Avoid the Pitfalls that Prevent Maximum Profits. Read More
Are you armed to the teeth for blogging battles? Follow these tips to turn fights into amazing blogging feats.

The tension you carry blocks your blogging success. Take a chill pill. Rock out your blog. Read More
From implementing social based commenting to including great quality images, the article here presents effective tips to boost social shares. Read More

How Can You Get Pain Free Management Training?

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Management
From 3251 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on November 10, 2015 1:50 pm
“What could this old coot have to say to me?” Your (younger) Business Professor was invited to lunch by a grizzled senior Army officer of a certain age. The aged blowhard wanted to talk.
I was indifferent. He was buying the meal, but I wasn’t buying his banter. Who needed him? I would run things m Read More

Social Data in Sales

Avatar Posted by bitterbusiness under Sales
From 3251 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on November 6, 2015 11:50 am
Today, big data and the use of social data in the sales process trumps people. The reality is that due to changing buying cycles, more educated buyers and the use of social media to source and inform, most sales managers if given the choice between an exceptionally talented sales person or a highly Read More
There are some things that you have to prepare before you take that conference call. Here are the good, the bad and the ugly. Read More

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