Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Most of the time, it is technology what makes it possible to keep my dream of time and location freedom alive. Both quality hardware and handy software. That's why I've selected a list of really useful apps that will help you stay connected, productive, and above all relaxed. Read More
Are you having a hard time getting great results from social media? Then this mean you need a better social media plan and within this post I'm going to share 5 simple doable tips you can use to improve your results. Read More
Customers like rewards. With mobile usage at its highest rate to-date and increasing, setting up a mobile rewards program feels like a no-brainer. Here's how Weinerschnitzel uses mobile rewards for its franchise. Read More
Launched a new online store but struggling to make any sales? You’re not alone.

In 2014, 21 percent of all US small business owners said that attracting new customers is challenge for them. That makes it number one challenge among small businesses.

So how do you make sales in eCommerce when o Read More
Launched a new online store but struggling to make any sales? You’re not alone.

In 2014, 21 percent of all US small business owners said that attracting new customers is challenge for them. That makes it number one challenge among small businesses.

So how do you make sales in eCommerce when o Read More
Forming an LLC in Nevada? Nellie Akalp CEO of shares what you need to know along with the fees for a Nevada LLC. Read More

Amazon Launches Merch: Sell Swag T-shirts Printed on Demand

Avatar Posted by Jed under Marketing
From 3278 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on October 11, 2015 3:04 pm
The eCommerce giant Amazon has launched Merch by Amazon, a services that lets businesses and independent designers create and sell T-shirts which are then shipped to customers by Amazon on demand. Read More
Browsing through hundreds and hundreds of shops both for work and for myself, I have noticed some definite trends for some of the features. And today I’m going to show you what successful shops are using to provide their customers with even more features. Read More

Putting the Social into Selling

Avatar Posted by bitterbusiness under Sales
From 3278 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on October 12, 2015 12:08 pm
Social selling is about moving sales people from old world selling into the social selling world. To get sales team switch from the cold calling world to the world of LinkedIn, Twitter and Social Networks. Leaving behind “interruption sales” where sales people call prospects indiscriminately to a s Read More
At JRC, we’ve started running regular workshops with the whole team. At each workshop, we focus on a different aspect of digital marketing. Recent workshops have included ‘Blogger outreach’ and ‘Instagram and engagement with visuals’.

The aim of the sessions is to bring together everyone (in-hou Read More

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