Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Checklists, cheat sheets, data templates, and eBooks are all excellent examples of content upgrades you should include in your posts.

In this article we will go over how to use each of them to help grow your email list to 10,000 subscribers. Read More
Checklists, cheat sheets, data templates, and eBooks are all excellent examples of content upgrades you should include in your posts.

In this article we will go over how to use each of them to help grow your email list to 10,000 subscribers. Read More
Want to know how to succeed? You should learn it from successful people. Here is how the CEO and co-founder of Spective made it. Read More
Business content marketing has been revolutionised. In today’s buyer-empowered world, people are demanding less generic, corporate-driven messaging, and more personal, humanised content. See how you can make your business content marketing work by incorporating product recommendations and ratings i Read More
In most small businesses performance reviews are avoided, delayed, and rushed when they finally happen. They are as painful for the reviewer as for the reviewee. There’s been some noise in the business press of late regarding large corporations’ decisions to eliminate performance reviews. If you... Read More
Boredom is a springboard for change. Many people think that boredom is the enemy of change. Here's how to overcome a boring life and live more adventurously Read More
Creating a successful startup is all about marketing these days, no matter how compelling your solution. Technologists have long believed that marketing is only required when selling the next pet rock, but in this age of information overload, even the most exciting solutions will be lost from view Read More

Metrics to measure your content marketing ROI

Avatar Posted by GetApp under Online Marketing
From 3323 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on August 26, 2015 12:19 pm
Let’s be honest. Content marketing really sucks. For the most part you’re doing it as a means to an end to get new leads and sales. You really have no desire to spend hours channeling your inner Maya Angelou writing blog posts about your topic that all sound the same to you. Nonetheless, you’ve Read More

4 Effective Ways to Monetize Your Blog

Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Global
From 3324 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on August 26, 2015 10:59 am
What are your favorite ways to monetize your site?

In this post, I’m going to share what works for me and hopefully these insights are going to help you increase your blog revenue. Read More
One of the definite challenges you’ll face as an entrepreneur, is something that’ll make you question how mentally tough you actually are. You may face a financial situation, a bad business partner, or you’re testing and trialing your strategy but your goals are just not coming to fruition.

Hurd Read More

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