Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Starting a blog is frustrating. No matter how good your content is nobody reads it.

So, how do you attract readers?

The key is to build a small audience before you start your blog. There are several ways how to do that, but one of the most effective strategies is guest blogging. Read More
Crowdfunding isn’t always as simple as posting some information and collecting bundles of money.
There are plenty of factors that can complicate the crowdfunding process. And many entrepreneurs have had to learn those lessons the hard way. Read More
Cash-strapped entrepreneurs may have a hard time getting their hands on outside financing. Fearing defaults, many banks balk at extending loans to companies that lack proven track records. As a result, small business owners often turn to their family and friends to help them launch their companies. Read More
Overlooking the benefits of offline marketing is a grave mistake. Offline marketing should still have a place in your business plan. If you are able to successfully combine your offline marketing strategy with a social cause, you will find it to be more valuable to your brand than any tweet. Read More
Customers buy solutions to problems or solutions for outcomes they need to make their business or lives better. While pricing is important it usually ranks 3 or 4 on buyer’s criteria. Too many businesses rely on the assumption in the era of digital self-education that the most important thing to a Read More
Book publishers hate him and his customers adore him. Whatever your feelings about Jeff Bezos, one thing is indisputable - he’s one of the most brilliant business minds of our time.

Over and over, Bezos has used unconventional strategies to triumph over his competition. Here are 3 business princ Read More
Today, the most productive work often happens on the go. That is why you need these six apps for small business owners on the move. Read More
With a variety of analytics tools out there, digital marketers can really measure their efforts in a tangible way—understanding effective practices, metrics and audience behaviors. If you aren’t currently using analytics tools to your advantage, it’s time to get in the loop on the type of informati Read More
There’s no denying Amazon is a giant among e-retailers.
But if there’s one area where the company apparently wasn’t making strides was providing an eCommerce platform for others.
Several reports have confirmed that Amazon will close down its Webstore service in July 2016. The company began notify Read More

Is Your Advisor a Critic Posing as a Mentor?

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3475 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on March 27, 2015 9:09 am
Every startup needs a couple of advisors with deep experience and connections in your business domain or financial skills to complement your technical focus. Advisors need to be mentors, looking ahead and directing you on key actions to take or avoid. Unfortunately, many prefer the role of critic, Read More

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